Sunday, February 4, 2007

3 Big Days

Where I last left you was the monday after my last leg workout. During that workout I tweaked my back on the leg press. After I began thinking about everytime I had a "flare up", I've come to the conclusion that for the most part, leg press is the only thing that causes it. I was talking to Dr. Joe, and he pretty much told me that leg press is one of the worst things you can do with a my suspicion was confirmed.

So basically I rested monday, tuesday and weds to make sure that I was 100%..especially since this is a power week. My goal on thursday was to absolutely DESTROY my back...kill the lats and rhomboids. Even though it was a power week, I wanted to do a lot of sets after the main power movement. This week, for the first time in 6 months, I pulled deadlifts from the ground. I didn't go super heavy. I'm just getting back into the swing of things. I just wanted to get the form down. Oh....and I used the trap bar. Here's what I did:

Trap Bar Deads
45 x 20
95 x 10
95 x 12
115 x 10
115 x 12
135 x 10
135 x 10 (at this point, my lower back was starting to feel tired, so I didn't want to push it)

Then I did:

3 supersets of BB rows and chinups (about 20 reps per superset)

3 giant sets of pullovers/BB curls/pulldowns (about 40 reps per superset)

4 Abs supersets followed by some DB curls

3 giant sets with preachers/hyperextensions/cable rows

This was alot of work, but for some reason I wasn't even a little sore the next morning. That pissed me off.


Friday was heavy chest. I was going to try to break my PR of the 105's x 2 on Incline DB press. 110 on the incline DB press was my goal for the entire offseason.

It started of pretty well:

40's x 10
50's x 10
65's x 8
75's x 8
85's x 5
95's x 5
100's x 5

Now was the moment of truth. I needed to get the 110's for 2.

110 x .......1................................2

But I was really shaking and I feel that the spotter was helping too much to count it as a PR. Plus he was holding me by the wrists, and it was weakining my grip. I was pretty dissappointed, so I decided to try the 105's, but at that point I was too tired mentally and physically to get them. I cam close to a PR, but not quite.

Did some ab/lower back and tricep shit then got out.


Skipped saturday, alot going know how it gets. So today was Heavy legs. I decided to give freeweight back squats a try for a change instead of smith fromt squats, just to see how I felt and how my back handled it. I was very pleased.

I did 12 sets. I wanted to go VERY slow so that I could sense when/if my back was getting too tired and reduce the chance of messing it up. I'm also not going as heavy as possible or doing the 2 rep set. I just wanted to get a feel for this exercise again.

Bar x 10
Bar x 10
95 x 15
95 x 15
115 x 15
115 x 15
135 x 10
135 x 10
155 x 10
185 x 8
195 x 5
195 x 5
135 x 20

Needless to say after this I was pretty exhausted. I felt light headed. My goal next time is to add another set of 5 on there and maybe bump it up 5 lbs. MAYBE.

then I did some abs/lower back and ham curls and I was out. Almost fell a couple times on the walk back home, almost threw up I'd say this was a victory.

next day is heavy shoulders, then I restart the rotation.

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