Sunday, January 21, 2007

Aches and Pains

Today was shoulders/traps- Power workout. Short and to the point. I haven't done shoulders in a good while now...for some reason, I keep missing them on my rotation. I know, I know...excuses.

Anyway..I found this supplement sample packet in my pantry called "Aramaggedon" has B-vitamins, a little carbs and tons on caffiene. Within 3o minutes of taking it I felt juiced. I felt like I could literally run up a wall and do a backflip. I am very sensitive to even small amounts of caffiene. So by the time I got into the gym and the creatine had also set in, I was so focused it was scary. I started attacking the DB press.

Warm up sets:
35's x 10
45's x 10
60's x 10
70's x 8

At this point, I was psyched. 70's felt easy and my intensity was still off the wall. So I hit the work sets. For all my heavy lifts I go in a traditional power lift pattern. 4 Sets of 5,5,5 and a max of 2 reps.

80's x 5- lift up
85's x 5- A little shaky on the first one, but still no lift up and no need for a spot. At this point I was pumped and I was thinking I would be able to get 95's for at least 2 by the end. But I still had one more set of 5 to go.

90 x 5- Got it off the knees, I couldn't get it up. I was determined though. So I went for a second lift, and even with a lift was just too much. On the second attempt, I even tweaked my rear delt a little. I have done this before when I am trying to stabilize a weight over my head that is too heavy. I just put it down.

I didn't want to try again and risk turning a mere "tweak" into an injury. I don't play around with bad pain in the gym. You have to be intense, but there is a line that has to be drawn. After DB press I usually do another delt movement, but I did not to strain my delts any more. So I went straight to DB shrugs. 5 sets:

70's x 10
80's x 10
85's x 10
90's x 8
95's x 8

I know, light weight..but I didn't want to risk anything. I suspersetted those shrugs with some hyperextensions for the lower back and I was out.

When I got home, I immediatley took some Advil to relieve any possible swelling in the joint and iced it. Like I said, I don't fool around with injuries. It feels ok now and luckily on my workout scheme I wont have to lift power again for about 2 weeks. So everything should be gravvvy baby.

Homework time.

Ohh yeah.... GOOO COLTS!

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