Sunday, January 28, 2007

I feel like BLAH

Here's the update:

Friday and saturday were uneventful lifting wise. Friday I had to go to a meeting and after it I was too GD tired. Saturday I was busy all day.

So today I decided to combine shoulders and legs so I wouldn't be behind schedule. I normally don't do anything else on leg day except legs, but I made an exception tonight. I left the library at 9:45 so by the time I got to the gym, I had about 1 hour to lift. I didn't count sets really I just set it up like this.

1 Leg exercise
1 shoulder exercise

I started with leg press but with only 3 plates each side I soon felt the familiar, uncomfotable ache in my lower back. I really have to watch the cadence on this exercise, but it seems to be the only exercise giving me problems. I think I will probably cut it out from now on. Anyway, I did reps of 20-40 on the leg press for about 6 or 7 sets. Here a list of some of the other lifts I did. Legs were in the 10-20 range, shoulders in the 10-15.

Leg press
Leg extension
Single leg exetension
leg curl
calf raise

hammer strength press
DB laterals
DB front raises
hammer strength shrugs
Cybex rear delt fly

Overall this workout was mediocre. I was already pretty tired from studying, but when I felt the ache in my back, my intensity dropped. I know my back is getting stronger, but things take time. I have to learn to work with what I have and know the difference between intensity and too much.

After I left the gym I had a killer headache and felt like I was going to blow chunks. Now I just wanna hit the shower and go to bed. Work @ 8 am, then class, then work again, then class again...................and it goes on.

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