Friday, January 19, 2007

LEGS anybody?

Today I was finally able to get into a long postponed heavy leg day. I went to the YMCA instead of the USF gym, which was a nice change of pace. I also got to lift with Esteban, which was good. Never underestimate the power of a good workout partner. On to the workout.

I did front smith machine squats. I am able to do back squats again, but they still make me nervous and I'm still making gains on the smith machine, so I see no problem. The smith machine allows me to take most of my lower back out of the equation and focus on keeping the form right, while also stressing my quads.

That being said I did 8 sets. The weight on here is the raw weight (just the plates) not including the smith bar (I think it weighs 15-20-not sure).

Warm up
50 x 15
90 x 10
90 x 10
140 x 8

Working sets
160 x 5
170 x 5
180 x 5
190 x 2 (PR!- last workout was 180x2)

Then onto the Ham-curls for a couple heavy sets, and 3 ab supersets. Of course, as usual, I neglected calves. Which is the reason they suck.

Just remember, while 190 might not seem like alot, the actual number is over 200. Thats 4 big plates and a couple 10's on there. I've learned the hard way never to sacrifice form for weight.

Tomorrow is Delts/Traps. That's all for now.

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