Thursday, January 25, 2007

I'ma voodoo chilllle, voodoo chillle babay!

Today I was pretty tired and I was procrastinating going to the gym. But I knew I had to go. The gym closes at 11 so at 9:50 I decided to make it up there. Only having an hour really pumped me up because I knew I had to get alot of work done in a short amount of time. I put some D'angelo on and went to WORK baby.

So I did a monster set for chest. It's basically 4 exercises back to back. It went like this:

Decline DB press
Hammer strength bench (plate loaded)
Cable crosses

Basically I did 4 or these monster sets, and tried to get 12 reps each exercise. By the 3rd set, I was just going to failure. The weight was light, but I was so tired. Since this is a hypertrophy week, I don't care about the weight too much. So that's a total of 16 sets for chest.

Next onto tris. They were already pre-fatigued from all the chest work, so I killed them easily with a superset. I supersetted:

Rope pushdown
Close Grip Bench

for 3 sets of 10-15 and I felt like my arms were going to pop like baloons.

Next, I worked on some abs. I did 2 Tri-sets:

Hanging leg raises
cable crunches
reverse crunches

I did those for 10 reps each, twice.

Then I decided to kill the tris off with 3 sets of DB kickbacks. 10 reps each.

That was ALOT of work, and I got it all done in 50 minutes. 31 sets total. That's about 1 set every minute and a half, so I didn't get alot of rest between sets.

It was a very good workout. Legs are tomorrow.

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