Saturday, January 20, 2007


I'm so tired right now. Metabolically speaking, I just shot myself in the foot. Last night (well this morning I guess) Mark, Will and I stayed up until 4 walking around with the R.A. busting underage drinking. That was fun, but now I'm paying the price. I woke up at 7:45 to go to Stampede of Service, which was pretty fun I must say. I ended up getting split up from all my friends, so I made a bunch of new ones.

But let me repeat...I am so tired. I actually would go do shoulders today, but the gym closes in let me see.....56 mins and I'd still have to get up there. So tomorrow then. You know what, I'm kinda liking the whole "one day on-one day off program". I might just stick with it.

Oh, on a side note, I went to Andros, one of the dining halls, last night with everybody (Mark swiped me in). It SUCKED. I totally understand the Freshman 15 now....and overall, why america is obese. Yeah, they have a salad bar, but everything else is a salty carb, buttered and fried. I couldn't even find any meat that hadn't been breaded and fried. I asked for a tuna sandwhich, and the man covered the thing in oild and threw THAT on in the pan. It tasted ok...but everyday? Hell no, gimme so chicken and rice. I know for a FACT I couldn't have made the gains I have this year if I had a meal plan. There is no question.

that's all...gotta study.

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