Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bringin' Sexy Back

Today was an interesting day. I am on a 2 week cycle of power lifts and hypertrophy. So this week is stictly intense, ball busting workouts. Increasing the weights aren't that important. Back and Bi's. Shoulder was feeling great, which it weird because it hasn't even been 48 hrs. I did a bunch of stuff today. I won't bore you with the exact details, and I also don't feel like getting my log outta my bag.

I did 3 sets of bodyweight chins (they bothered my front delt a little)

then I did cable rows/cybex pulldown machine for 3 supersets

next I did some regular pulldowns, and then I went onto DB rows.

I finished with a new exercise: BB rows! It's honestly the best back workout I've ever felt. I used a supinated underhand grip and squeezed the back together. I had always stayed away from these because I felt it would compromise my lower back injury, but I am getting stronger and it doesn't bother me at all.

All these were for 8-12 reps. I think a total of about 12-15 sets. I stopped counting.

Biceps I basically just burnt them out with all different types of curls. Maybe for about 10 sets. Like I said before, on hypertrophy specific days, the numbers aren't as important.

On a side note, I was going over the pre-reqs for the med program...and honestly, I'm f*ing scared. It's obvious why not many people take that road. It's a lot harder than it looks, and you have to want it bad.

Speaking of all that...I should probably study something.

I think next time is chest...we'll see.

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